How Martial Arts Changed My Life

How Martial Arts Changed My Life by Master Howard Hu, 4th degree Black Belt Martial Arts became a popular part of our culture since the mid-‘70s through Hollywood. In the modern day, Martial Arts’ fame rose even higher in the entertainment industry through MMA and UFC. Unfortunately, as it gained its popularity in the modern […]
New Sparring Class!

NEW Sparring classes for children! To maintain the high standards and quality at Desert Taekwondo we have added 2 new 30 minute sparring classes! The classes are in between the Intermediate and Advanced Children on Tuesday and Thursday. The times are 5:30 for Intermediate Children (green & blue belt) and 6:00 for Advanced Children (red […]
Techniques By Master Brian R. Malm, 7th Dan The basics of Taekwon-Do are very important; they are the foundation which all other techniques are built upon. With weak or sloppy basics, you will have difficulty learning the advanced techniques. You must master each technique before moving on to more difficult ones to ensure you […]
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