White & Yellow Belt Info

Belt Information Stripe Requirements


10th Gup White Belt

White Belt:  Represents purity;  student has no knowledge of Taekwondo.

Student Oath

I shall observe the tenets of Taekwondo

I shall respect instructors and seniors

I shall never misuse Taekwondo

I shall be a champion of freedom and justice

I shall build a more peaceful world





Self Control

Indomitable Spirit

Counting 1-10 in Korean:

1 hana, 2 dool, 3 set, 4 net, 5 ta-sut, 6 ya-sut, 7 il-gop, 8 ya-dool, 9 a-hup, 10 yool

White Belt One-Steps 1-4


  1. Step backward with your right foot to a walking stance and left rising block.  Right punch (solar plexus), left punch (solar plexus), and right punch (face).  Step left foot to right foot, right foot backward to a right L stance, middle forearm guarding block. Kihap
  2. Step back with the right foot, left side kick (solar plexus).  Land left foot in a sitting stance and left inner forearm block (opponent’s arm).  Shift left foot to a left walking stance, right punch (solar plexus), and left punch (face).  Step left foot to right foot, right foot backward to a right L stance, middle forearm guarding block.  Kihap
  3. Step left foot backward into a sitting stance and right inward block with the outer forearm.  Right back fist (temple), right turning kick (body or head), and right knife hand strike (neck).  Step right foot to left foot, left foot to a left L stance, middle forearm guarding block. Kihap
  4. Move right foot backward and left front kick (body). Land wide to the left and right turning kick (body), landing in a left L stance (behind opponent’s arm) and right knife hand strike (neck).  Pick up the right foot, spin counter-clockwise to a right L stance, middle forearm guarding block. Kihap


9th Gup White Belt w/Yellow Stripe

Chun-Gee (19 moves) means ‘Heaven and Earth’.

The five elements of power are: hips, stance, focus, reaction force, and speed.

The one-steps promote: focus, distance, timing, and technique.

Tae Kwon Do = The Way of the Hand and Foot

Do-Jang = Taekwondo School

Do-Bok = Uniform

One Steps:

5. Move right foot back and left outward vertical kick (crescent) blocking opponent’s arm. Land with feet together and right side kick. Land in a left L stance and right knife hand strike (neck). Shift right foot to right walking stance and left punch (solar plexus). Move the right foot back to an L stance middle forearm guarding block.

6. Step right foot backward to a right L stance, left middle block with the inner forearm (opponent’s arm), then left front kick. Land in a left walking stance and right punch (face), then left side kick, landing next to right foot, stepping right foot back to a right L stance middle forearm guarding block.

7. Move left foot back and right outward vertical kick (crescent) blocking opponent’s arm. Land right foot next to left foot and left turning kick, right turning kick, landing foot and step back left foot to a left L stance middle forearm guarding block.

8. Move left foot back and right front kick to solar plexus, left middle side kick, and right turning kick, landing feet together and step back with left foot to an L stance middle forearm guarding block.


8th Gup Yellow Belt

 Yellow Belt:  Represents a seedling which is beginning to see the light.

Dan-Gun (21) is named after Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in 2333 B.C.

General Choi Hong Hi is the modern day founder of Taekwondo.

General Choi’s nickname is Chang-Han, meaning ‘Blue Cottage.’

Taekwondo became the nation sport of Korea in 1955.

One Steps:

1. Step right foot backward to a right L stance middle knife-hand guarding block, and left back-fist (temple). Shift to left walking stance and right reverse punch (solar plexus). Step back with left foot and right turning kick (face). Land in a left L stance and right knife-hand strike (neck). Double step back to left L stance, middle guarding block.

2. Step back with right foot to right L stance and middle guarding block. Left jumping front kick, landing in a right L stance, knife-hand middle guarding block (opponent’s arm) and left knife-hand strike (neck). Shift to left walking stance and right reverse punch (solar plexus). Double step back to right L stance, middle guarding block.

3. Step right foot backward to right L stance, middle knife-hand guarding block, and left back-fist (temple), left side kick (solar plexus), right back kick (solar plexus), landing in an L stance right knife-hand strike (neck). Double step back to left L stance, middle guarding block.

4. Step right foot back and left outward vertical kick (crescent) blocking opponent’s arm. Right side kick (solar plexus), and left back kick (solar plexus), landing in a left sitting stance and back-fist (ribs). Shift to a left walking stance and right reverse punch (face). Swing away to left L stance, middle guarding block.


7th Gup Yellow Belt w/Green Stripe

Do-San (24) Is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938).  The 24 moves represent his entire life, which he devoted to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement.

 Confucius’ Poem

If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.

If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.

If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.

If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.

One Steps:

5. Step right foot backward to right L stance, inward middle forearm block, and left back-fist to temple. Shift to left L stance and double punch (solar plexus). Left side kick (solar plexus) 180 degree right outward vertical kick (crescent), landing in right L stance middle guarding block.

6. Step right foot backward to left walking stance and left knife-hand rising block, high right fingertip thrust then left fingertip thrust (eyes), left side kick (solar plexus), right turning kick (face),  left 180 degree outside vertical kick (crescent), landing in a left L stance middle guarding block.

7. Step right foot backward to a right L stance and middle knife-hand guarding block. Grab opponent’s right arm with your left hand with shifting left foot to left walking stance and high right front elbow strike (face). Hook right hand behind opponent’s neck, pulling head while right turning kick with the knee (body), landing in an L stance left knife-hand (back of neck), (kihap). Double step back to right L stance middle guarding block.

8. Step back to a right L stance and middle knife-hand guarding block. Step forward to a right walking stance, left downward pressing block with a right fingertip thrust (solar plexus). Right leg outward vertical kick (crescent), left turning kick (head), landing in a right L stance left knife-hand strike (neck). Pick up the left foot, step backwards to a left L stance middle guarding block.

Contact Information

Desert Taekwondo
6221 E. Golf Links Road
Tucson, AZ 85711
(520) 790-0993