New Schedule
Effective September 20, 2021
With the increase in class size for the Intermediate and Advanced Children classes we have decided to add 2 classes! These classes will separate the two groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Green and Blue belts will start at 5:30 and the Red and Black belts will start at 6pm. There will be a 1/2 hour overlap for the two groups to still train together with drills, sparring, etc. The Intermediate Class will go from 5:30 – 6:30 and be dismissed; the Advanced Class will start at 6:00 and end at 6:55.
In addition to the Tue/Thu time change will will also be ending classes 5 minutes early, and starting the following class 5 minutes later to help with our current parking issues.
We hope the new schedule helps us maintain our high standards, as well as the safety and well being of our students and families.