Masters’ Council

Our Master’s Council is dedicated to promoting tradition and maintaining quality! Each Master has 15-45  years of experience to help mentor students and instructors to bring out the best of their abilities!

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Grand Master Brian R. Malm, 9th Dan, JTF A-85-9-14 (40+ years), Owner/Instructor Desert Taekwon-Do for 30+ years.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Smith.jpg Senior Master Gary L. Smith, 8th Dan (40+ years).

 Master Amy Malm, 4th Dan, (co-owner of Desert Taekwon-Do) (22+ years).

  Kevin Osbon crop

Master Kevin Osbon, 5th Dan  (20+ years).


Most of our Masters have cross trained in other Martial Arts (Karate, Kobudo, Judo, Aikido, etc.) and bring that experience into their teaching!

Contact Information

Desert Taekwondo
6221 E. Golf Links Road
Tucson, AZ 85711
(520) 790-0993