25th Anniversary Video
Tonight we had a couple hundred people at our 25th Anniversary and Reunion Party at La Paloma Academy Lakeside. A new video was shared at the event showing the students and progression over the 25 year period. Here is that video! Enjoy!
2014 Lifetime Progression Video
Lifetime Progression Video of Master Brian R. Malm Dedicated to the memory of Richard Malm (father) and Jeffery Malm (twin brother). This short video is a highlight progression of Master Brian R. Malm and his martial arts career. Starting at age 5 and continuing to the present, spanning different martial arts over 40 years. […]
Students win 19 Medals at 9th Annual Tucson Korean Martial Arts Championships!

On Saturday March 15, 2014, twelve Desert Taekwondo students participated in at the 9th Annual Tucson Korean Martial Arts Championships held in Tucson Arizona. We won: 6 gold, 9 silver, and 4 bronze medals! Students won 19 medals in various divisions: Forms, sparring, speed breaking, team forms, and jump front kick. Among the competitors were 8 black […]
New Schedule!

More Classes because we are growing! Due to the increase in size of the green belt and up children class we have decided to add more classes to ensure the quality of our students! The Green, Blue Striped Green, and Blue belts will attend the Intermediate class and the Red Striped Blue belts and higher […]
Techniques By Master Brian R. Malm, 7th Dan The basics of Taekwon-Do are very important; they are the foundation which all other techniques are built upon. With weak or sloppy basics, you will have difficulty learning the advanced techniques. You must master each technique before moving on to more difficult ones to ensure you […]
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